Thursday, 22 December 2011

 six weeks to six months

"So, like all the women she knew, she trained her babies to use the latrine or a basin by holding them over it regularly and making a special chirruping noise until the pee came out." Kate Clanchy, Antigona and Me, p.118

Elimination Training 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011




Thursday, 8 December 2011

the needles are out... 

...lets see where it goes...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The Knitting Is Back... end up going full circle

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


 'Portrait' - its made of PVC stuffed with wadding.  its depth is 4cm.  although its pictured against a wall i did like the idea of having it suspended in space so there would be a play with positive and negative spacial values.   

'Untitled' - again PVC stuffed with wadding.  this time its depth is 6cm.  this is a further development of the piece 'arms and legs, all the same'.  i enjoy the floppiness the piece has when its not on the wall.  its a great contrast to the rigid cardboard in 'arms and legs...' 

Monday, 31 October 2011

Show Case Cities show in London.  It went really well got a lot of good feedback and sparked some really exciting discussions 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The chosen one...    

... this is the piece that is going to go in the Showcase Cities show in London, tomorrow! (26th Oct)

all wrapped up and ready to go...

Thursday, 15 September 2011

The Beginning

I have started this blog mid way through a trail of thought so trying to find a starting post is becoming a bit tricky.  I don't want it to become confusing or random but I guess I have to start some where.  It only seems apt to start at the place where the trail of thought initially started: my cat...

I have studied the shape, texture, and scale of cats and I am now moving onto the idea of movement.  This is still a very fresh idea so i'm excited to see whats going to happen!

Tiny Tremors of Movement

The idea of static movement was started in a piece I made for my degree show called Arms and Legs all the same

It's constructed entirely of cardboard strips, glued together to create stick like legs.  The piece moves from the wall in an almost chaotic tumbling fashion onto the floor, where the cardboard lengths form a densely packed group of verticals.  The addition of colour reinforces its density and also accentuates the different heights within the piece.   Its initial inspiration came from Philip Guston's painting Multiplied where depicted at its centre a cluster of upside down legs and shoes.  I then linked this to the fact that cats unlike humans have only legs and then quite basically asked myself what do legs do? MOVE, which brings us around to the movement idea.  Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase also played an important part.  Its angularity and repeated sharp lines make an almost mundane occurrence, walking down a flight of stairs, into something immensely dramatic and powerful.  I really like his confident and strong use of line and wanted to try and translate elements of that into Arms and Legs...   

Philip Guston, Multiplied, 1972

Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, 1912